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Amazon From Online Bookstore to Global E-commerce Giant

Introduction: In 1994, a young entrepreneur named Jeff Bezos had a vision to create an online bookstore that would revolutionize the way people buy books. Little did he know that his humble online venture, Amazon, would grow into one of the world's largest e-commerce giants, shaping the way we shop and changing the face of retail forever. The Birth of Amazon: Amazon was founded on July 5, 1994, with its headquarters in a garage in Bellevue, Washington. Bezos's ambitious plan was to build an online bookstore that could offer an extensive selection of titles and deliver them to customers' doors quickly and efficiently. The company's name was inspired by the world's longest river, signifying Bezos's desire to make Amazon the largest bookstore in the world. The early days of Amazon were challenging, as the internet was still in its infancy, and online shopping was relatively new. Bezos faced skepticism and doubts from investors and industry experts, but his unwaveri